The animated anthology series features original stories set in the worlds of iconic video games. Rick Damigella has a look.
Dominate your Week 15 fantasy football matchups with these favorable RB matchups. Brian Robinson Jr. vs. NO. Robinson Jr.
Players and the parents of players of the ultra popular Fortnite video game will soon start receiving payments as part of a ...
It’s time for the Game Awards, when the video game industry looks back on 2024’s best games and debuts trailers for upcoming ...
To celebrate the wintry CODMAS event, Treyarch is boosting player level XP, weapon XP and battle pass XP gains this weekend.
One of my favorite games of 2024 is Creature Caravan from Ryan Laukat at Red Raven Games. I love the tableau-building, ...
Google finally unveiled Android XR today, and in the hopes of getting consumers interested in upcoming VR headsets and smart ...
If you've ever wondered why Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to choose between either Vulkan or DirectX 11, the answer is pretty ...
The Game Awards Pre-Show Livestream Starts: 7:30 ET, 4:30 PT, 12:30 AM GMT The Main Game Awards Show Livestream Starts: 8:00 ET, 5:00 PT, 1:00 AM GMT You can watch the show here on the official 4K ...
December has rapidly turned into the second most-exciting month for video game news (after June and all the shows that arrive with Summer Game Fest). The G ...
The Switch 2 is a bigger handheld with a larger screen, but rumors hint we may have to wait far into 2025 to see it in person ...
The marketplace app, called "Epic Games Store", will be pre-installed on all new compatible Android devices operating on the ...