Sharks, rays and chimaeras have declined rapidly due to overfishing – as well as he habitat degradation, climate change & ...
Five billion people could be affected by 2100 as Earth's drylands increase with rising aridity mostly driven by human-caused ...
Geographical's climate columnist Marco Magrini on the complexities of ushering in a new age of power generation ...
Colombia is one of several global biodiversity ‘darkspots’, but local scientists are now discovering plant species on newly ...
Meet biochar: the organic matter helping to capture carbon and improve soil quality – with origins stretching back 2,000 ...
Currently, geothermal energy – any heat energy derived from the Earth’s ground, at depths of a few metres to several ...
New study finds 75 per cent of heat-related deaths occur in people under the age of 35, contradicting previous studies ...
Hearings begin this week at UN court to discuss the obligations of worldwide countries in supporting vulnerable nations ...
First study of its kind shows Arctic could experience first ice-free day in just three years, with significant consequences ...
In the summer of 2020, at the height of the COVID pandemic, Olivia Laing found herself a sanctuary, a neglected Suffolk garden attached to the Georgian house she’d just bought with her husband.
Discover more about the harrowing journey that migrants take through jungles, mountainous terrain and rapid-filled rivers in ...
Norwegian government has agreed to stop first licensing round for deep sea mining in Arctic waters after mounting pressure ...