New York State corrections officers continue strike amid growing repercussions for families The results are in for Donald ...
A seven-page bill has been introduced in both the New York State Senate and Assembly, and to one of the bill’s sponsors, ...
Seven prisoners have died since the correction officers strike began, raising concerns about safety in state prisons and ...
Correction officers in New York's prison system have been on strike for nearly two weeks, and a tentative agreement appears ...
The officers union did not authorize the strike, and it was unclear how it would enforce the agreement. The stoppages have ...
Union officials representing striking correction officers on Wednesday said they repeatedly warned the Hochul administration ...
There’s a deep divide between the correction officers on strike for more than two weeks now, and the union that represents ...
Despite union and state officials hammering out an agreement last week, some New York corrections officers don't think the ...
The deal reached late Thursday night between New York State and the correction officers union in the 12-day-old wildcat ...
The wildcat strike continues at 32 correctional facilities statewide, despite a tentative deal. Staffing at Elmira, Attica, ...
State officials said they had done what they legally could by issuing a tentative prison strike deal before resorting to ...
Thousands of New York correction officers face potential fines of $442 per day and imprisonment for continuing their illegal ...