A massive 150-foot airplane-sized asteroid is set to pass Earth tomorrow, prompting NASA to issue a cautionary alert., ...
Led by Curtin University geologists Chris Kirkland and Tim Johnson, a research team unearthed this primeval crater beneath ...
Social media platform X went down intermittently on Monday, with owner Elon Musk blaming an unusually powerful cyberattack.
A UVA professor is part of the study of Trojan asteroids, presumed remnants of the early solar system that share Jupiter’s ...
Buried "megaripples" — some the size of five-story buildings — are helping scientists piece together the devastation ...
The Antarctic Meteorite Collection at the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) in Japan has been recognized as a ...
The asteroid everyone was worried about won't hit Earth. Better news: Folks working in Baltimore will help us learn more ...
Could a giant planet between Mars and Jupiter have doomed Earth? A new study suggests that small changes would have been ...
YR4 became the highest-rated asteroid predicted to strike Earth, and although predictions for impact have lowered, not enough ...
The discovery of a massive crater formed by the impact of a meteorite more than 3.5 billion years ago is changing the way ...
Emporia State University's Peterson Planetarium is all about asteroids in March, with a focus on one asteroid in particular.
A spacecraft's sample return capsule was detected entering the Earth's atmosphere using acoustic sensors by a team of ...