O'Brien quipped during his opening monologue that the number of F-bombs in 'Anora' is "three more than the record set by ...
The Oscars saw big wins for Anora, The Brutalist and Emilia Pérez, but the Conan O'Brien-hosted show was also a win for ...
Oscar telecast had a high bar to clear after last year’s show, which featured an all-time great Oscar moment with Ryan ...
Conan O’Brien is defending Hollywood and the Oscars, saying the entertainment industry can help bring the country together ...
T he stars are all glammed up and hitting the red carpet at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on Sunday night for the 97th ...
The host of the 2025 Academy Awards shared some kind words with the audience members at the Oscars, whether they were part of ...
With a lead-in that included a sentimental tribute to fire-ravaged Los Angeles and then Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo ...
Conan O’Brien is living in a hotel in Los Angeles ahead of his first time hosting the Oscars, a necessary move following the wildfires that devastated much of the city and the surrounding area this ...