Tesla applied for a transportation charter-party carrier permit — a prerequisite for self-driving taxi programs in California ...
Today, the nationally recognized law firm of Baron & Budd P.C. alongside Diab Chambers LLP filed lawsuits on behalf of the County of Los Angeles, ...
So far, official blame has not yet been cast on Southern California Edison Co. for either blaze, with the events of Jan. 7 ...
California officials want to reduce the financial credits that households with rooftop solar panels can earn for excess ...
The proposal mirrors a similar move by L.A. County leaders, who have also criticized LAHSA for oversight and accounting problems.
The California Public Utilities Commission's proposal to reduce compensation for solar customers has sent shockwaves through ...
California government executive orders and measures are helping Los Angeles homeowners expedite home repairs, reconstruction ...
The neighborhoods with the highest number of complaints were downtown L.A. and Boyle Heights, according to an LAist review.