Extreme temperatures can cause water main breaks like February's disaster in Southwest Detroit. Climate change may increase ...
Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s proposed 2025-2026 budget doesn’t include higher water rates for residents despite higher prices ...
Kelly Lovati of the Macomb County Chamber of Commerce said she has first-hand experience in interacting with people who seek ...
The Great Lakes Water Authority's chief financial officer said lower rate hikes mean it'll set aside $2.2 million less for ...
Tonight on The Detroit Evening Report, we cover new water rates, upcoming road closures, proposed legislation for transfer ...
The Great Lakes Water Authority approved rate hikes of 5.9% for water and 4.5% for sewerage for dozens of Southeast Michigan ...
According to GLWA, the price hike is necessary to address aging infrastructure, improve water quality, and meet federal regulatory requirements. This price adjustment is the first major hike in water ...
Metro Detroit water systems face 5.9% water rate hike, 4.5% sewer increase, leading to concerns about affordability and ...
The GLWA board approved record setting water and sewer rate hikes for FY2026; the increase will impact more than 100 ...
The authority, which serves much of southeast Michigan, is considering its largest water and sewer rate hike in a decade.
After a lengthy public meeting, the Great Lakes Water Authority approved new water and sewer system rate increases for metro Detroit.
The increases are tied to current and new infrastructure projects, including corrosion control in pipelines owned by local ...