IT industry association techUK has emphasised the need for standardisation, best practice and strong cyber security in the move to connected and autonomous mobility (CAM). It has published a report on ...
National Highways has extended its contract with communications systems company Telent for the National Roads Telecommunication Service (NRTS2) for an extra year until March 2028. It adds an extra ...
The Government Communications Service (GCS) has developed a generative AI tool named Assist to help create first drafts and ...
The Police Digital Service (PDS) has signed investigative technology company Black Rainbow as the single supplier on a ...
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published a new data strategy that includes plans for standards and a centralised platform for the discovery, access and sharing of data among employees. It has ...
As large scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks become ever more sophisticated and ever more common, we ask, who’s doing these attacks? Why are they doing them? And as they become ever ...
The UK Government’s AI Security Institute has launched its first round of grant funding for reserch projects under the £5 million Challenge Fund programme. It said the fund gives researchers a chance ...
Two healthcare bodies in London have published a framework for the use of AI by the city’s five integrated care systems (ICSs ...