Contact your federal Congressional delegation: one House of Representatives member and two Senators. Develop a short, personal and polite request that the decision maker support scientific research, ...
A pathogen for bird pink eye remains viable on bird feeders in winter conditions much longer than in summer conditions without losing any of its severity, according to a recent study. “In colder ...
To plan for the future, it’s sometimes necessary to look to the past. To improve natural history collection and analysis in the future, a team of researchers is looking at collections of plants from ...
Whether it’s ice cream, a greasy hamburger, or a heap of french fries, everybody loves fatty foods. For coyotes, that meal is a blubbery seal pup, according to a new study led by UC Santa Cruz ...
The Robert H. MacArthur Award is given to an established ecologist in mid-career for meritorious contributions to ecology, in the expectation of continued outstanding ecological research and who ...
ESA’s 2014 Annual Report is now available. Here’s a sampling of some of the highlights from the past year: Ecosphere received its first impact factor. SEEDS Chapters’ campus network has grown from 23 ...
Dr. Mark Vellend is a professor at the Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec and a 2020 ESA Fellow. Since the start of his career, Dr. Vellend has been interested in long-term changes in the composition ...
The Society for the Study of Marine Bioinvasions, Inc. is pleased to announce that the 10th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions will be held in the beautiful coastal city of Puerto Madryn, ...
All who earn a new certification are required to earn continuing education units (CEU) over the 5-year term of their certification to be able to recertify or upgrade ...
If you are a student (undergraduate or graduate) who is the presenting author of a contributed talk or poster, and who is the sole or lead author of the talk or poster, you are eligible to be ...
ESA’s staff relies on student volunteers to help run our Annual Meeting each year. We greatly appreciate your interest in helping us at this year’s Annual Meeting. We will select students ...