The minimum temperatures hovered above the normal limits at most places in Haryana and Punjab on Tuesday. Chandigarh, the common capital of the two states, recorded a minimum of 10.5 degrees Celsius, ...
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Monday held a pre-Budget discussion with women of various fields and said the government's goal is to ensure women become key contributors to the nation’s ...
Patwaris and Kanungos in Gurugram are upset after the release of the recent list of corrupt Patwaris by the state government. The Revenue Patwar and Kanungo Association on Monday held a protest in Gur ...
AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal will contesting against 22 candidates in the New Delhi Assembly seat. Who are these 22 candidates ...
Two FIRs against union chief Ugrahan and his deputy Jethuke after assault on DSP, who was hospitalised with a fracture in his ...