Slafkovský had a game Saturday in Ottawa that exemplified everything the Canadiens hope he can become when they are ready to ... - NHL: Slafkovský a Pospíšil prispeli gólom k víťazstvám svojich tímov - Slafkovský rozvlnil sieť v druhom zápase za ...
Juraj Slafkovský pred odchodom na dovolenku vyhlásil, že po návrate strelí do konca sezóny ešte 20 gólov. Prvý dal ihneď v ...
This was Suzuki's first multi-point effort since Jan. 25 versus the Devils. The center helped out on Patrik Laine's game-winner late in the first period as well as Juraj Slafkovsky's insurance ...
Suzuki appeared to catch Connor Hellebuyck by surprise with his pass from behind the net to Juraj Slafkovsky, who beat the netminder to give Montreal a 1-0 lead. Suzuki has four points in the last ...
New York 26. februára (TASR) - Slovenskí hokejisti Juraj Slafkovský a Martin Pospíšil sa v noci na stredu zapísali v NHL do streleckej listiny. Slafkovský si pripísal desiaty presný zásah v sezóne a p ...
Gól, päť striel a k tomu osem bodyčekov. Juraj Slafkovský z Montreal Canadiens môže byť na svoj sobotný výkon pri výhre 5:2 ...
Slovenský hokejový útočník NHL v službách Montrealu Canadiens Juraj Slafkovský zaznamenal v noci z utorka na stredu svoj 10.
It was an energetic start for Montreal, and two-and-a-half minutes in they get a goal. The puck follows Brendan Gallagher out of the corner on a poor pass from Drake Batherson. Gallagher collects, it, ...
Montreal Canadiens’ captain Nick Suzuki’s participation at the team ... With linemate and rising star Juraj Slafkovský signing an eight-year extension worth $7.6 million annually, he ...