Former U.S. Army Green Beret and Venezuela expert Jordan Goudreau is sounding the alarm about a deeper national security problem at play after the State Department revealed nine Americans are being he ...
Attorneys for Jordan Goudreau stated in court filings for ... in 2020 to sabotage my executive-branch directed operation Nicolas Maduro is getting sworn in today,” Goudreau, flashing a thumb ...
According to President Nicolás Maduro, eight people were killed and dozens more were captured. Among the captured men were two American former Green Berets. But the footage, as well as ...
The Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro reported it had foiled ... Here’s what we know: Jordan Goudreau, an American citizen, former Green beret, and three-time Bronze Star recipient for ...
La llamada Operación Gedeón en la que participó Goudreau tenía el objetivo de invadir Venezuela por mar desde Colombia para derrocar a Maduro. Ocho “mercenarios”, como los denominan las ...
The exclusive investigation by Latin America correspondent Josh Goodman focused on the exploits of Jordan Goudreau ... Richard Branson. Goudreau then joined forces with Venezuelan exiles in an ...
The Venezuelan navy spotted a Canadian-owned cruise-ship, the RCGS Resolute, stopped off the Venezuelan island of Tortuga Jordan Goudreau ... offering to overthrow Nicolás Maduro (who actually ...
No es la primera vez que se menciona la posibilidad de que detrás del régimen de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela existan ... por un exsoldado de fuerzas especiales de Estados Unidos, Jordan Goudreau.
As we await answers on who funded the plot to use a handful of mercenaries and ex-Green Berets to oust Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro ... Gideon began. Jordan Goudreau, an American citizen ...
expresó en un video difundido por sus redes sociales Jordan Goudreau, quien confesó haber liderado un intento de golpe de Estado contra el Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro al servicio de la ...
Dos exmilitares venezolanos condenados en Colombia por su participación en la llamada «Operación Gedeón», liderada por Juan Guaidó y Leopoldo López contra Nicolás Maduro en 2020 revelaron ...