The Great Lakes Water Authority approved rate hikes of 5.9% for water and 4.5% for sewerage for dozens of Southeast Michigan communities that it provides utility service to, according to a press release from the agency.
Mayor Mike Duggan speaks, with Detroit Water and Sewerage Department’s Gary Brown and Great Lakes Water Authority’s Tom King, on the progress of repairs to SW Detroit homes after flooding.
The Great Lakes Water Authority released new photos of the massive replacement pipe segment being prepped for installation.
Tonight on The Detroit Evening Report, we cover new water rates, upcoming road closures, proposed legislation for transfer students and more.
According to GLWA, the price hike is necessary to address aging infrastructure, improve water quality, and meet federal regulatory requirements. This price adjustment is the first major hike in water rates since 2019.
The Great Lakes Water Authority said crews are continuing to work on the 54-inch water main break that broke in Southwest Detroit last week.
Southwest Detroit continues to recover from the devastating flood as the community rallies to help. The Great Lakes Water Authority told us the 19-foot replacement pipe is now on scene and crews will continue work throughout the weekend.
The Great Lakes Water Authority shared a photo of the new section of pipe that arrived Thursday to replace the broken section of water main in southwest Detroit.
The Great Lakes Water Authority also says it has removed water from the site of the water main break, and crews have excavated the area. Per a release: Based upon current conditions, it is anticipated that an approximately 12-foot section of pipe will need to be removed,
After a lengthy public meeting, the Great Lakes Water Authority approved new water and sewer system rate increases for metro Detroit.