These meetings culminated in Öcalan’s February 27 statement, in which he urged his organization to lay down arms and abandon ...
The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was born in the 20th century, the most violent century in history. The political and ...
Making peace with the PKK could also lead to a big advance in Erdogan’s mission to stabilise Syria under a friendly new ...
The outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) on Saturday announced a ceasefire with Turkey, two days after its jailed leader ...
The call from Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the PKK, could have far-reaching consequences for Turkey, Syria, and the broader ...
Many interpreted Öcalan's additional message, which was not included in his letter, as an indication that the legal and ...
Move hailed as a “historic opportunity,” but the group fighting for Kurdish independence stopped short of declaring its ...
Bahçeli personally called Demirtaş to thank him for his support in advancing the peace process between the Turkish government ...
The PKK "has fulfilled its mission," says Remzi Kartal, co-chair of the Kurdistan People's Congress (KONGRA-GEL) ...