A monster black hole may be hiding in galaxy next door

The nearby Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy of our own Milky Way, harbors a heretofore unconfirmed supermassive black ...
Astronomers have discovered strong evidence for the closest supermassive black hole outside of the Milky Way galaxy. This ...
The Large Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy residing near our Milky Way, visible to the naked eye as a luminous patch of ...
The researchers propose that this ejection resulted from the collision of two galaxies, causing their central black holes to ...
Astronomers say they've discovered one of the most masssive black holes ever discovered in the Cosmic Horseshoe.
This week, based on a genetic study, researchers issued a recommendation that bison in Yellowstone National Park should be ...
Scientists reclassified PBC J2333.9-2343 as a blazar after its jet shifted toward Earth. Discover why this black hole is ...